Where Do I Feel? Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Worksheet updated on March 21st, 2022

Where Do I Feel? Worksheet

Children often struggle to explain how they are feeling. During childhood, they are actively developing their understanding of their own emotions. Feelings can be confusing for a child, and in that confusion they can struggle to express themselves.

Children often do not realize their physical symptoms of feelings like anxiety, anger, fear and sadness are connected to their emotions. Making the connection between physical symptoms and emotional upset can help a child understand their feelings. In understanding this, they realize what they need to do for themselves to feel better.

About This Worksheet

This is the Where Do I Feel worksheet. This worksheet provides a child with a visual aid to identify where they are feeling stress in their bodies. The stress of upsetting emotions can take a toll on a child, and cause uncomfortable symptoms like headaches and stomachaches. Helping a child understand how their body feels when they are stressed can help them to learn how to cope with upset feelings.

This worksheet is ideal for children up to 12 years old. It should be used in individual and family counseling.


The goal of this worksheet is for both child and therapist to identify their physical symptoms of stress and emotional upset. Instruct the client to identify where they feel pain or discomfort when they are upset. Have the child place an X or a sticker on the areas where they tend to feel the most discomfort when they are emotionally uncomfortable or distraught.

Use this worksheet as the first step to helping a child understand how their physical symptoms are connected to their emotions. Include the child’s parents in a discussion about how to manage the physical symptoms the child is experiencing to minimize the discomfort while coping with upset feelings.

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