Family Questions Worksheet
Worksheet published on December 7th, 2022
Family bonding time is an important part of any family dynamic. A family’s sense of unity and connectedness grows when they can enjoy time together and make fond memories. Setting time aside to enjoy the company of your family also helps family members feel wanted and appreciated, which helps boost self-esteem and trust in your family members.
Time dedicated to family bonding does not have to be complicated. It does not have to require a lot of planning, coordinating, or even a great deal of time. A family can find pockets of time in the day to boost family bonding. One great setting for family bonding time is at the dinner table.
About This Worksheet
This is the Family Questions worksheet. This worksheet provides a list of questions that can be used to start a fun conversation with family. The questions are simple and easy to enjoy and allow family members to feel heard and valued in the family dynamic.
Families can benefit from using this worksheet to promote family bonding time. It is used as a homework assignment and is completed during opportunities when the whole family is together with minimal distractions. This worksheet is intended for family counseling and for parents who are working on building a healthy family dynamic.
This worksheet helps the client look at their automatic thoughts in reaction to a situation.
Assign this worksheet as a homework assignment. Review the directions on the worksheet with the client or their parents and explain that it is best utilized during a time when the family is together without other distractions happening around them. It can also help to recommend having a notebook handy during family time to record notes or reminders.
Encourage the client to use this worksheet at least once before the following session. Remind the client that each member of the family should have a turn asking a question and answering the question that is being discussed. Discuss the results of the experience with the client or family members during the next session.