Cognitive Restructuring: Socratic Questioning Worksheet
Worksheet updated on January 3rd, 2021
It is important to teach clients how to challenge their negative thoughts. Negative thoughts lead to negative self-talk, which can affect a client’s self-esteem. It can also affect how they relate to people around them, and have a negative effect on their ability to build relationships with others.
Cognitive restructuring is a process that involves challenging how people perceive the world and how they fit into their environment. One method of cognitive restructuring is called Socratic Questioning. With Socratic Questioning, a client learns how to challenge negative thoughts by using questions that challenge their perceptions of different situations.
About This Worksheet
This is the Cognitive Restructuring: Socratic Questioning worksheet. With this worksheet, a client learns how to use Socratic Questioning to challenge their own negative self-talk. It can be a useful tool for clients to learn because it minimizes anxiety, helps to improve self-image, and can have a positive effect on a person’s self-esteem and self-acceptance.
This worksheet uses concepts from cognitive therapy. It is great for both group and individual counseling settings. This worksheet is best suited for adolescents and adults.
Before having your client complete this worksheet, ensure that they understand the meaning and significance of Socratic Questioning. A client must understand what Socratic Questioning is and how it is used before working through this exercise.
Review the introduction of the worksheet with the client. Explain the questions and instruct the client to identify a situation that could have had better results if the client had used socratic thinking. Instruct the client to complete the questions, offering guidance if needed.
When the client has completed the worksheet, review the results with them. Allow the client to take a copy with them to serve as a guide.
Download Cognitive Restructuring: Socratic Questioning Worksheet