Sleep Diary Worksheet
Worksheet updated on November 25th, 2024
A client’s sleep quality is an important part of their mental health. Poor sleep patterns or difficulty with establishing a healthy sleep routine can be symptomatic of different conditions, like anxiety, depression, insomnia, or PTSD.
If a client is suffering from sleeping issues or a recurrence of nightmares, it is important to consider the patterns that may be causing the disturbed sleep. Tracking sleep habits can help with treatment planning and creating healthy sleep habits.
About This Worksheet
Addressing patterns of sleep disturbance will help to determine the causes and contributing factors to sleep issues. A sleep diary can help identify and track disturbed sleep patterns between sessions.
On the Sleep Diary worksheet, the client is asked to keep track of their sleep schedule and factors that affect their quality of sleep. It also provides a space for the client to record their dreams.
Adults struggling to get restful sleep can find the Sleep Diary worksheet helpful. It is a homework assignment that can be used in individual therapy.
The Sleep Diary worksheet is designed to be a homework assignment for the client to complete for 5 straight days. During these 5 days, the client records information about their sleep daily.
Review the sections that need to be completed with the client and instruct them to keep a daily log for the next 5 days. At the client’s next session, review the results with them and help them identify patterns that contribute to the sleep disturbance.
Start a dialog about how the client feels about their sleep diary and what they feel can be helpful with improving sleep. Then, introduce sleep hygiene skills that may be helpful for them to try to improve their sleep.