Self-Esteem Journal Worksheet
Worksheet updated on November 29th, 2023
Helping a client build self-esteem can be a challenging process. Many people in therapy suffer from low self-esteem, which contributes to other challenges they may be facing. Low self-esteem makes anxiety, stress, relationships, and depression more difficult to cope with and holds clients back from reaching their full potential in therapy.
Helping a client boost their self-esteem can help them feel confident enough to make the changes in their lives that will help them improve their mental health.
Building self-esteem is an important part of the therapeutic process, but it can be difficult for a client to acknowledge and internalize their positive qualities to improve their self-image. Using tools like a self-esteem journal can help a client build their self-esteem. It aids in reducing self-defeating self-talk and gives them something to refer to when they are feeling down on themselves.
About This Worksheet
It takes time to build self-esteem. A client must pay attention to their process for building their self-esteem, so having daily exercises available helps client maximize their experience. A daily journal that helps with reflecting on how the client feels about themselves each day is a great tool to use. It helps the client practice skills to reframe how they think about themselves and how they treat themselves in times of stress.
This worksheet serves as a daily journal to help your client track their self-esteem throughout the day. The self-esteem journal asks questions that reflect the client’s daily thoughts and events, and how they contribute to their self-esteem.
The Self-Esteem Journal worksheet provides a means to teach the client how to draw from daily experiences to find accomplishments and things to be proud of, which will help them learn how to internalize positive qualities, abilities, and accomplishments. It also helps the client create positive thinking habits to boost self-confidence.
This worksheet is a homework assignment that needs to be completed daily for maximum benefit from the exercise. It is appropriate for adolescents and adults who are trying to boost their self-esteem while in therapy.
As the client goes through their week, they are expected to sit down each evening and complete the reflection questions. The reflection questions ask about the challenges and accomplishments of the day and prompt the client to consider how to apply their self-reflecting to their process of boosting their self-esteem. It should take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete each day.
Provide the client with several copies of the worksheet to use in between sessions. Review the introduction and directions with them and instruct them to record their responses to the reflection questions on the Self-Esteem Journal worksheet daily.
In the next session, ask the client about their experience with the homework assignment. Check in with them about how they are feeling about themselves and how the worksheet helped them boost their self-esteem.