Combat Cravings Action Plan Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Worksheet updated on September 26th, 2023

Combat Cravings Action Plan Worksheet

Cravings to engage in dangerous, impulsive, or indulgent behaviors, like drinking, using drugs, or overeating, are difficult things for a client to work through. Each time a client experiences a craving or a trigger to engage in something they know is not good for them, they are confronted with the conflict between doing what they are craving to do and doing what they know is best for them.

It is a difficult position to be in, so it is important to have a plan in place when cravings come about for a client. This worksheet is a helpful tool to start making that plan.

About This Worksheet

This is the Combat Cravings Action Plan worksheet. This worksheet provides a layout for clients and therapists to work together to create an action plan for the next time the client confronts a craving. Cravings are difficult to cope with in the moment, so a client can benefit from having something in writing that they developed themselves to refer to in those moments of crisis or conflict.

The Combat Cravings Action Plan worksheet incorporates important tools that the client may need to prevent a relapse. It offers a step-by-step process of how to handle a triggering situation and includes helpful coping skills and a space to identify important resources to use in high-risk situations.

This worksheet functions in a sequential process, using a hierarchy of safeguards to use if the previous level did not successfully subdue the cravings. It is intended to be used with adults who are in recovery, and can be used in individual and group sessions at the mental health professional’s discretion.


There is a step-by-step process incorporated into this worksheet. It includes an action plan for when a client is confronted with a craving or trigger, coping skills to use in points of high stress, and space for the client to create an individualized plan that fits their needs and lifestyle.

To begin, review the introduction and the contents of the worksheet with the client. Relate the process on the worksheet with the client’s lifestyle and triggers, and discuss how the action plan can help them combat cravings in high-risk situations.

Review each step with the client and help them answer the reflection questions. This exercise is intended to be completed by both the client and the therapist, so both parties should be participating in anwering the reflection questions.

This worksheet is great for people who are newer to sobriety or have recently experienced a relapse. It is not limited to substance use and can help with other issues your client may be struggling to cope with, including anger management and eating disorders.

Download Combat Cravings Action Plan Worksheet

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