What Is Trauma? Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Worksheet published on April 7th, 2022

What Is Trauma? Worksheet

Trauma can affect a person in different and unexpected ways. People can suffer from different symptoms without realizing that they are from the traumatic event they experienced. Helping a person get in touch with their trauma can help them understand how they are feeling and learn what to expect from the experience.

Going through trauma is not easy, but giving context to how it affects a person can help a person not feel so alone. When a client can understand how trauma has affected their lives, they can learn how to cope and eventually heal. Education about trauma can be useful when helping a person recover from their mental health challenges.

About This Worksheet

This is the What Is Trauma? worksheet. This worksheet outlines common symptoms and reactions to trauma. Using this worksheet with someone who is suffering from trauma and PTSD can help them gain insight into the changes they have noticed in their mood and ability to manage stress.

This worksheet can be helpful for adults in individual sessions. It provides education about what trauma is and why it can affect a person so deeply. The What Is Trauma? worksheet is helpful for people who suffer from mental health conditions like PTSD, depression, and substance use issues.


This worksheet provides a brief summary of what trauma is and how it affects a person, along with reflection questions for your client to complete. Begin by reviewing the content of the worksheet with your client and answering any questions that they have. Allow the client time and space to complete the reflection questions and identify the symptoms they have experienced.

When the client has completed the worksheet, review their responses. You can use this worksheet as an introduction to helping a client work through their trauma. It can be helpful to provide them with a copy of their completed worksheet for reference.

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