Mental Health Worksheets

Latest Therapist Worksheets

Three Good Things Worksheet

Three Good Things Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Gratitude exercises can help clients in therapy cope with challenging feelings. Different conditions, including anger, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and more cause patterns of negative thoughts. When a client learns how to practice gratitude regularly, their negative thought patterns become more balanced. They start to consider the good things happening around them, which can reduce […]

Personal Values Worksheet

Personal Values Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Clients in therapy often struggle with living a life based on their values. As clinicians, we know that people do not always stay true to their values, which can cause us to struggle with different life challenges. A client’s self-image and ability to cope with stress is impacted when they are struggling to stay true […]

Love Languages Worksheet

Love Languages Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

When working with clients who are trying to boost intimacy in their relationships, it is important to explore how love is communicated and how a strong connection is built between partners. Couples often struggle with understanding the best ways to meet each other’s needs for affection, which is why exploring love languages can be a […]

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Discussion Questions

Adult Children Of Alcoholics Discussion Questions Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

It is a unique experience to grow up with an alcoholic parent. Many adult children of alcoholics struggle with issues that others cannot always relate to, which can make the experience lonely and isolating. Adult children of alcoholics can feel triggered by their parents, so a support network can help them cope with the challenges […]

Gratitude Journal For Kids Worksheet

Gratitude Journal For Kids Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Children often struggle with mental health challenges like anxiety and depression, but these struggles can be confused with behavioral issues. Kids are learning how to express themselves and how to regulate their emotions during their childhood years, so it is important to consider their emotional needs when navigating behavioral challenges. Gratitude exercises can be a […]

Recently Updated Worksheets

Three Good Things Worksheet

Three Good Things Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Gratitude exercises can help clients in therapy cope with challenging feelings. Different conditions, including anger, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and more cause patterns of negative thoughts. When a client learns how to practice gratitude regularly, their negative thought patterns become more balanced. They start to consider the good things happening around them, which can reduce […]

Distress Tolerance Skills: ACCEPTS Worksheet

Distress Tolerance Skills: ACCEPTS Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) offers useful tools for teaching clients in therapy how to handle distressing or upsetting situations. DBT teaches healthy coping skills for distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and the reduction of mood swings and panic attacks. It provides tools that help a client learn how to cope with upsetting emotions like stress, anxiety, […]

Challenging Anxious Thoughts Worksheet

Challenging Anxious Thoughts Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Coping with anxious thoughts can be a struggle for clients in therapy. Racing, ruminating, or oppressive thoughts can be difficult to manage healthily, which can cause stress for clients who do not know how to control their thoughts. Cognitive behavioral therapy offers tools for clients to learn how to manage their thoughts so they do […]

Cognitive-Behavioral Model Worksheet

Cognitive-Behavioral Model Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has become a leading form of treatment that mental health professionals use when working with their clients. Part of the process of CBT is focusing on interaction between a client’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. A tool that is used to help explain how these three components affect a person’s mental health […]

Personal Values Worksheet

Personal Values Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Clients in therapy often struggle with living a life based on their values. As clinicians, we know that people do not always stay true to their values, which can cause us to struggle with different life challenges. A client’s self-image and ability to cope with stress is impacted when they are struggling to stay true […]


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