SMART Goals Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Worksheet updated on August 18th, 2021

SMART Goals Worksheet

A major factor in the success of achieving a goal is how a person plans for a goal. Oftentimes people set goals that are not realistic, but they do not realize that until they are overwhelmed with work. Because of this, it is important to develop proper goal-setting skills when creating a plan for the future.

It is important to properly prepare with goal planning, and there are important questions a client needs to answer before starting down the path to achieve their goal. If a client can answer the more important and bigger picture questions, they are prepared to begin pursuing their goal.

About This Worksheet

This is the SMART goals worksheet. This worksheet provides an acronym to assist with setting realistic goals. The SMART goals acronym is a great tool for planning goals because it outlines the specific details that the client needs to be able to answer for themselves when working to achieve their goal.

This worksheet is great for adolescents and adults who are working to set and achieve a goal. It can be helpful in different settings, including individual, group, and family counseling. This worksheet can be the first step in goal planning. It can also help with boosting confidence.


Review the client’s desired goal and the motivation to achieve that goal. Collect history of any previous attempts to achieve this goal, and what it would mean for the client to succeed. Review the acronym with the client and spark conversation about how each element of the acronym could be important to be prepared for.

Allow the client time to answer the reflection questions on the worksheet. The therapist may stay engaged with the client while they answer. If the client is struggling, brainstorming and applying critical thinking skills can be helpful to guide the client toward finding answers to the questions.

When the client has finished the worksheet, review the results with them and provide them with a copy. Encourage the client to keep the worksheet in a safe place for reference when needed.

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