What Is Psychotherapy? Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Worksheet published on February 10th, 2022

What Is Psychotherapy? Worksheet

Psychotherapy is a term that refers to talk therapy. Talk therapy is what a person may think of when they envision what it is like to be in counseling. It can be helpful to teach a new client in counseling what psychotherapy is and how it can help.

There are different types of psychotherapy. Each client will have certain types of psychotherapy resonate with them. Some clients may find one kind of psychotherapy helpful, while others appreciate a different approach.

About This Worksheet

This is the What Is Psychotherapy worksheet. This worksheet provides a brief explanation of what psychotherapy is and how it can help a client. It also outlines examples of psychotherapy and what they are used for in counseling.

A client can benefit from learning about what psychotherapy means because it provides information that helps them trust the process. This worksheet can be used with adolescents and adults. It is an educational tool that can be helpful in initial individual counseling sessions.


This worksheet is best utilized during the initial sessions with a new client. Review the contents of the worksheet with your client. Explain the meaning of psychotherapy and answer your client’s questions.

Allow the client time and space to complete the reflection question. You may also choose to work with your client to formulate a response. Use this worksheet as a tool to set a foundation and build rapport with your new client.

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