Coping Skills: Depression Worksheet
Worksheet published on March 8th, 2022
A depressed mood can affect most areas of a person’s life. Sometimes depression is chronic or consistent, and sometimes it can come and go in waves. Depression can impact how a person can cope with life stressors, which is why it is important to know how to handle it in the moment. A person does not have to be powerless to their depression.
It is important for a person who is suffering from depression to learn their triggers and coping strategies. Because everyone is different there is no one size fits all method to approaching a depressed mood. A person must find what works best for them and what coping skills help them manage their depression.
About This Worksheet
This is the Coping Skills: Depression worksheet. This worksheet outlines different types of coping skills available to people who struggle with a depressed mood. This worksheet can be helpful for someone who is seeking therapy to cope with depression. It helps a client and therapist work together to explore the best coping skills for them to learn.
This worksheet is a guide for someone who is learning how to manage their depression outside of sessions. It can be used in individual and group counseling settings. Adults and adolescents can use this worksheet to learn coping skills for depression.
This worksheet provides an outline of different types of coping skills a client can learn to manage depression. Before using this worksheet, it can be helpful to provide education about depression and help your client identify their triggers for a depressed mood. This worksheet can be especially useful for someone new to therapy.
Review the directions with the client. Allow them time and space to read about the different types of coping skills they can learn, or go through the list together with your client. After the client has reviewed the list, instruct them to identify the coping skills they are interested in learning. Develop a plan for learning the coping skills your client would like to learn more about.