Boundaries Exploration Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Worksheet updated on August 19th, 2021

Boundaries Exploration Worksheet

A huge part of having a healthy lifestyle is having proper boundaries with yourself and the people in your life. Boundaries promote healthy relationships with others and a good sense of self-esteem. They are very important, but can sometimes be difficult to maintain.

Everyone’s boundaries are different. Each person has their own unique needs and expectations in their relationships. With these different expectations, a client needs to be able to set firm and realistic boundaries with the people in their life.

It can be a challenge for clients to set clear and unwavering boundaries. Boundaries require assertiveness. They require maintenance and self-advocation. These skills are important, even if it means having another person disappointed or frustrated.

While it is difficult, your client needs to have an understanding of the boundaries they need in their life. They must also understand and what they need to do to maintain those boundaries. Having healthy boundaries promotes self-esteem and confidence. It gives your client authority over their lives by allowing them to set standards for how they will be treated.

About This Worksheet

This is the Boundaries Exploration worksheet. This worksheet serves as a guide for your client to explore and understand the boundaries they need to maintain self-health and healthy relationships. It also helps your client understand their personal space, and what they need from others to feel respected.

With this worksheet, your client is guided through a process of exploring their personal boundaries. They also learn about what they need to be able to do to assert the boundaries they want in their relationships.

This worksheet is great for adult clients. It is best used in individual counseling, couples counseling, and family counseling sessions.


To complete this worksheet, explain to the client the importance of establishing and maintaining personal boundaries. Ensure that the client understands that they need and have the right to personal space. You can also explain that unhealthy boundaries can result in dysfunctional relationships. It also causes unnecessary stress on the client and others.

Instruct the client to complete the questions on the worksheet. If needed, guide them through self-reflection brainstorming to help them answer the questions.

Help the explore the different ways that boundaries can be established and asserted. If your client is apprehensive or uncertain about their abilities to assert boundaries, remind them that the worksheet is part of the learning process. Assure them that the boundary-setting skills will develop with time. Nothing is expected to change overnight.

When the client completes the worksheet, review the responses with them. You may use the worksheet as a guide for formulating a plan to set clear and concise boundaries. Answer any questions your client has and allow them to express their concerns with setting boundaries.

Before ending the session, provide the client with a copy of the worksheet for reference.

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One Comment On Boundaries Exploration Worksheet

  1. Jenna M

    Thank you for providing the resources. Clients will benefit from having additional materials to practice skills taught during sessions.

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