Back-To-Back Drawing Activity Worksheet
Worksheet updated on April 26th, 2022
Teamwork is an important part of any relationship. Whether it is family, partners, peers, classmates or coworkers, being able to develop a good working dynamic can be a skill that lasts throughout the course of the relationship. In order to have a productive relationship, you must have good communication skills. Without effective communication skills, working as a team player will be challenging.
Communication is a dynamic skill to build. Some people need to build assertiveness skills. Some need to build directive skills, and others need to improve their listening skills. Each of these aspects of communication can be strengthened with a back-to-back drawing activity.
About This Worksheet
This is the Back-To-Back Drawing Activity worksheet. On this worksheet, you will find instructions on how to complete the back-to-back drawing activity. This worksheet provides a great exercise for building communication skills between two people. It helps promote effective expressive and listening skills, and reinforces teamwork.
This worksheet is intended for group settings. The exercise may also work in family or relationship counseling. The Back-To-Back Drawing Activity worksheet can be used with adolescents and adults. It can be used to reinforce communication skills, teamwork skills, and listening skills.
Begin the exercise by establishing an objective. The objective may be different depending on the dynamic of the group. Explain that this exercise will require both listening skills and expressive skills, as the pairs will be expected to work together to complete the task.
Follow the steps provided on the worksheet. When the group has completed the worksheet, address the reflection questions. You may answer the reflection questions together as a group, or instruct the group members to answer the questions individually before opening the room for discussion.