Anger Discussion Questions Worksheet
Worksheet updated on June 3rd, 2024
Controlling anger can be challenging for many people. People can be triggered at different times and for different reasons, but the experience of anger is often relatable. Everyone deals with anger sometimes, and while the reasons may be different, people can empathize with each other’s experiences and methods of coping.
Knowing that you are not alone in your struggles is important, and it can help to talk about what it feels like to be angry. People may be at different ability levels to control their anger and may have coping skills they would like to improve or share with others. Talking about anger can help a group learn from each other.
About This Worksheet
This is the Anger Discussion Questions worksheet. This worksheet provides a therapy group with a list of reflection questions to use when discussing anger management. The reflection questions also serve as discussion questions to prompt group members to have a conversation about their triggers and coping skills for anger.
This worksheet is intended for adults who suffer from anger and related issues. It is a group exercise that can help people brainstorm healthy coping skills for anger.
Introduce this worksheet as an exercise that allows group members to learn from each other. Begin by reviewing the introductory paragraphs with the group. Then, allow the group members time to complete the reflection questions.
When the group members have completed the reflection questions, review each question to help engage the group in conversation. Encourage the group members to learn from each other and share healthy coping skills to replace unhealthy coping skills.