What Is A Panic Attack? Worksheet

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC

Worksheet published on March 12th, 2024

What Is A Panic Attack? Worksheet

When working with clients who suffer from panic attacks, it is important to ensure that you explain what a panic attack is and how it can affect a person. A panic attack is a scary and uncomfortable experience, especially when you do not understand what is happening or why you are suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

Panic attacks cause alarming symptoms that can be confusing without proper education and guidance from a therapist. Learning what a panic attack is can help with planning how to manage anxiety to both prevent panic attacks and work through panic attacks when they occur.

About This Worksheet

An introduction and a summary of the experience of a panic attack can help a client understand more about their own experiences. With the What Is A Panic Attack worksheet, the client will begin learning about symptoms, risk factors, and triggers for panic attacks.

The What Is A Panic Attack worksheet can help adolescents and adults who suffer from panic attacks. It can be used in individual counseling sessions and may be used in group sessions at the discretion of the therapist.


Introduce the worksheet as a guide for learning about panic attacks. Review the overview, common symptoms, and risk factors with the client, then allow them time to complete the exercise.

You may choose to complete the reflection question with the client or have the client complete it on their own. When the client has completed the exercises and the reflection question, review their responses with them. You may use this worksheet as a reference for treatment planning or when building coping skills for panic attacks.

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